Originally Posted by gmoats
TAK, you seem to follow Awerbuck pretty closely, what's his take on the Scout??

I don't know. A friend of mine has attended three of his classes, I've not met him. He is fairly open minded, he doesn't try to force someone into a Weaver handgun stance like the Gunsite instructors do, for instance. Raised on a 1911, he advocates "plastic-nines" now.

I have attended Randy Cain's Practical Rifle Class and I shot my Steyr, IIRC, Randy had owned and sold two of them. He found them hard to top off with single rounds and went back to a 20in Pre-64 Model 70 in 308 with a 1-4x Leupold. He is not a huge fan of a forward optic, they simply do not work for some people's vision. If there is any "mixed dominance" between the eyes, you are worse off with a forward optic.

I tell folks to try one on a Marlin 30/30 with that $50 XS scout mount, if it doesn't work for you, sell it.

Remember, Cooper started running rifle classes in the early 80's and he saw rampant scope failures, mostly variables. He liked technology that worked, and hated what didn't work.

Last edited by Take_a_knee; 12/01/11. Reason: spellin'