Dove performed exceptionally well up until the point his gun was disabled. Hanlon was actively engaged until he was wounded and unable to reload. Once they lost the use of their firearms, they were no longer physically or psychologically combatants. I contend that had they been trained similarly to Platt, they would have remained psychologically engaged and would have attempted some type of improvised offensive action against Platt. Hell, even throwing you useless gun at your attacker and rushing him his better than what happened to Hanlon & Dove.

You obliously are a "gun guy" and are heavilly invested in the idea of a firearm being your primary weapon. But are you prepared face life or death combat without a firearm. You had better be, because Miami, and numerous other LE shootings show that disabled shooting hands and disabled or lost firearms are not an uncommon occurrance. You better be psyhcologically prepared to fight with whatever you have left, be it only teeth and fingernails, if you want to survive.

ego operor non tutela