[quote=Eremicus] Let me ask a question here. If just one of those agents had been armed with a Scout Rifle and was positioned say 75-100 yds. away, do you think he could have stopped any of the bad guys ?

Sure, as would have an AR. Given that the fire fight occured after a car chase. Posting a sniper 100 yds away wasn't an option. At about 15 feet ( the real world distance of this fight) which would you prefer a bolt action deer rifle or an AR? The problem with the scout is that you have to dream up perfect situations to justify it! How many real world gun fights are going to happen at 100 yds in a suburban setting? Even if it does that's still well within an AR's range. A bolt action 308 deer rifle makes no sence until out past 300 yds and at that distance a true sniper rifle may or may not be a better option. Mr. Cooper was a great American but imo time had past him by. As was already mentioned the idea of a bolt action rifle in a non sniping situation being ideal is romantic but not realistic.