Originally Posted by Boxer

...Recoil impulse can do things to POA/POI intersections,that DooDads and KnickKnacks cain't pinpoint.


Oh, absolutely. IMO bore sighters are nearly worthless for actually aligning POA/POI. And I wouldn't dare shove arbors down passed my crowns, but the magnetic variety have been good for one reason, and one reason only- erector testing and verifying. I like to confirm erector increments, usable travel, tracking, RTZ, etc, at night while the kids are asleep, and use my ammo and shooting time to smack steel and paper well beyond 100 yards. I haven't yet seen the Bushy grid confirmations not line up pretty darn nicely with actual erector inputs/real-world drops. Seems to work for me, although there's no downside to your way, either.

It's certainly not difficult or complicated to factor in the 1.047"/MOA to the equation when you're tracking erector inputs on a sheet of paper at 100 yards, so the MOA turrets vs. IPHY doesn't seem to be a problem in my mind.