Gee Schmuck...

I'd love to acknowledge your thoughtful post, especially considering how much time you spent crafting it, typing with 2 fingers, posting pics I am sure to save you a thousand words...

however, my apologies, but my English/ Piglatin-Jibberish dictionary is misplaced...

but I am sure it was chock full of important BS you felt the need that I personally needed to know...

I do have to compliment your ego, as I can't think of anyone who is in a crowd of other, and come up to their armpits, yet feels and acts like he is 10 feet tall...

you truly are a legend..... in your own mind...

my apologies for not personally being impressed.. but then again, guys who impress me usually are ones that have served their country in uniform to start with... so that sort of leaves you out...

but you do live the old Army commercial of 'be all you can be'... just too bad it doesn't add up to much.. but I have to give you an A plus for effort...

as my granddad said, you can't strike out setting on the bench.....and I can think of fewer strike out queens compared to you....

have a great day there studmuffin...hope you get a chance to get out and shoot some more salmon with one of your 57 ARs...