Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Actually out of 17 stops in 6 hours he was the only one who I cited, you pretty much have to talk your way into a ticket with me.

So you decide on whether to give a ticket not on the circumstances or the seriousness of the offense, but on how the "perp" talks to you.

Depends. I have my own criteria for different offenses. Take speeding unless you're on a residential street, i won't stop you for less than ten over, and won't write you for less than 15 over. While i have seen the Stats, and studies. I don't agree with forced seatbelt use. And being that we are a secondary offense state( meaning we can't stop based on the no seatbelt), i generally don't worry about seatbelts often. But this guy was almost bragging that he got a ticket yesterday for no seatbelt on the same road.

Thank you for the response.

A wise man is frequently humbled.