Originally Posted by asphaltangel
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by tzone
Originally Posted by Redneck

I refuse to wear a seat belt unless and until I'm hauling one of my trailers; especially the camper due to it's size and weight. If I'm running truck only I will not wear a seat belt.


How do you keep that GD F'n bell from going off in the Fords? I don't usually wear one at work because I'm in and out of the truck every 5 minutes.

Go to a junknyard and get the lock from another seatbelt for that model vehicle model and put it in the seatbelt slot

Gitem, that's nice of you to offer a tip. It's all a cat and mouse game to me. Why get irritated with it and ruin a good day?
I'm glad for the technology that can get around the your radar gun when there's a good reason to speed. ...and sometimes it's necessary. I also realize that cops don't make the laws. Many, many times they give warnings to people, but some people are just not going to fall into line. That's their right. They pay their fine, pay higher insurance, and be on their way.

I don't get irritated. I collect the overtime pay whether ai wrote tickets or not. Just as I collect a regular salary for working my normal shifts whether Inhandle complaints or catch up on paperwork. And you won't get around "my" radar, because we don't use radar here. We use Vaascar and laser systems here. And as I stated, i normally don't give tickets. This guy was an exception.

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell