Originally Posted by sierrabravo45
So don't tell me a seatbelt is bullshit, its a first amendment right or any other crap. Its a law.

Nobody said a seatbelt is bullshit.
Seatbelt 'laws' are bullshit.
Drug laws don't stop people from using drugs who want to use them. Gun laws don't stop criminals from using guns to commit crimes. And the seatbelt laws don't stop people from not wearing seatbelts who don't want to wear one.

Originally Posted by sierrabravo45
I have been on enough calls that a simple seat belt would have saved their life.

So what...? If people didn't smoke, they wouldn't get lung cancer and die from it. Should smoking be against the law too...?

Originally Posted by sierrabravo45
So do what you want. But don't be surprised to get a ticket, don't give cops crap for trying to make it a little safer for you.

I will. And nothing the government (city, State, or Federal) does surprises me. Cops aren't trying to make it safer for anybody by enforcing seatbelt laws, they are simply generatiing revenue...nothing more than that.

Originally Posted by sierrabravo45
And if/when you don't wear a seat belt and get in a major accident, don't be surprised when you never see your family again.

That's a risk people take when they choose to not wear a seatbelt, but it's 'them' making that decision for themselves...as opposed to having something else dictated to them by the government.

Sorry about your buddy. It's likely that all of us here have lost a friend or a family member due to an automobile accident, and in many of those...a seatbelt may or may not have made a difference.

Originally Posted by RickyD
Wearing seat belts is a great idea. The government penalizing people for not wearing them is not.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.