Originally Posted by snubbie
Taxpayer's expense?
Most likely less than falls from ladders. Certainly less than drunk drivers, reckless drivers. Likely less than sports injuries or injuries mowing or gardening in your lawn. Maybe less than food poisoning from restaurants and sunburns. In fact of all the "injuries" resulting in taxpayers picking up the tab, I'd guess seatbelt non-compliance to be way down the list.
I started driving in 1976 and have always worn a seatbelt and believe everyone should...if they choose to.
I believe seatbelt laws to be more .gov intrusion into our lives and little more than a means to generate revenue with no due process of law.
I cannot imagine serious law enforcement officers would feel they are doing important work by writing seatbelt tickets.
Well said.

I've worn them since starting to drive, too, and that was before there were any seatbelt laws. That's my choice, though. I see no legitimate basis on which government should make that decision for the individual.