Originally Posted by steelheadslayer
I remember the time I got cited for not wearing a seatbelt, when I was actually wearing a seatbelt, couldn't figure out what the hell I was being stopped for, and when he approached me and said "I stopped you for not wearing your seatbelt". Me, "your kidding right?"
Of course I had my belt on while he was talking to me and the only wiggling around I did was to get my registration and proof of insurance out of the center console.
I'm absolutely sure he assumed I snuck the belt on while I was pulling over, of course the judge didn't believe me either, not sure what possessed me to think he would.
Similar thing happened to me. Cop pulled me over for speeding, so I pull over and, in order to get to my wallet, I remove my seat belt. He tries to cite me for not wearing it. Fortunately, I was able to convince him that I only took it off to get my wallet.