
My criteria for a traffic stop was dirt bag status. I used infractions as a means to stop bad guys and, hopefully, take them to jail for doing bad things. If I made a mistake and the driver was not a criminal, I would tell them of the traffic violation and thank them for their cooperation. A driver would have had to have done something that could have caused an accident and hurt others before I'd cite 'em. But then again, my big boss emphasized keeping his jurisdiction safe from criminals. He didn't much care about traffic violators. He hated dopers and wanted them in jail. I didn't care for thieves (all heroin addicts are thieves), robbers and criminals who prey upon innocent people, and I wanted them in jail. I couldn't care less about seal belts, rolling through stop signs, etc.

Traffic cites do nothing more that piss off good people. Drivers who knew they really effed up by almost causing an accident and hurting others rarely, if ever, complained.

�If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.�
***US President James Madison***