Originally Posted by wareagle700
I don't think that's what he was saying. That's sure not what I was saying either.

I read it as if he were talking about cold bore shots landing outside a normal group. If they do, it's either a problem with the shooter or the rifle. Predicting where a cold bore shot will land in the group on the other hand, that's funny.

Maybe that's what Form was addressing but that's not what he said, in his usual braggadocios, over the top way of speaking about anything and everything he opens his mouth about.

Originally Posted by TC1
Do you believe that it goes somewhere other than where the ones that follow it go?

Yes, sometimes they do.

Originally Posted by Formidilosus
Then you have a broken gun.

What he actually said was that if shots 2-10 go somewhere different than shot #1, the gun is broken.

Which is an absurd notion, since all the shots are going to different places.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling