Originally Posted by wareagle700
Unlike TAK, I have noticed Form is usually right. Abrasive at times, but right.

I suppose that's the downside to the written word. There is absolutely no emotion when I write. I use forums for the exchanging of knowledge, nothing else. Misconceptions, old wives tales, inexperience, lack of knowledge, and "my daddy said so", has held back the skill and practical application of shooting for most of our history. That has only started to change at a faster rate because of the Internet and forums allowing such a rapid exchange of information.

As silly as it might seem just about every week at work I get the "well I read on -----insert Internet forum here---- that_____".

9 times out of 10 whatever they read is horribly wrong. People have no idea how bad information can effect very real things.

Wareagle's 10 round challange has shown just how unrealistic "sub MOA all day long" is, and maybe that will help to get people to stop chasing it. Shooters need to get off the bench and learn to use their guns to hit varying targets at varying ranges from varying positions under tight time standards. That's practical shooting.