In another 10 years, there will be another "stunning revelation" of some sort, saying bigger is better, and all the previous reports were wrong. It's a goobermint entity, it's bound to eff up whatever it's talking about.

I don't own any 9mms currently, so I guess I'll just stick with that old Colt pistol that is working well enough. It's not a 9mm, so I guess I'll be undergunned a bit, but I can shoot that thing, so I'll muddle thru with my .45 for awhile longer, and just hit what I'm shooting at.

I've comfortably carried a lot of different 9mms in the past, I like them, but I like the 1911 in my hand better. Not to say a BHP or CZ-75 isn't good, or even a G19, they all work if you shoot them straight.

None of them work worth a damn if you don't hit what you're shooting at. Maybe the Feds oughta work on THAT instead of the tools.

You can roll a turd in peanuts, dip it in chocolate, and it still ain't no damn Baby Ruth.