Originally Posted by TheKid

If good shot placement is implied and can be counted on what difference does it make if you put a .308 hole or a .375 hole through a bear's heart. The shot placement issue is why guides like Phil recommend bringing your deer or elk rifle and good bullets instead of going and buying some cannon that you may or may not shoot well. If everyone could shoot a 505 Gibbs with guilt edged accuracy from field positions I'm sure bear guides would love to have everyone show up with one. But most guys, even some who claim otherwise, heck most who claim otherwise if my very short guiding career is any indication, cannot shoot much of anything with any great degree of accuracy. And accuracy gets worse as recoil increases generally speaking.

Based on the hides I've seen on the fleshing beam and salting floor over the past 30 years or so, I would have to surmise that 'intent' and 'execution' don't exist in the same zip code for many people. (And that's without touching the topic of appropriate equipment set-ups and in-the-field use of same.)

...or is the paw a good classic kill shot? grin (Could a guy actually pull the shot that low at 50 yards if he flinched? wink )

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.