Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
The war on drugs wasn't meant to be won. It was meant to empower government and drain the economy. What people choose to put in their bodies is their own business, and they should be free from legal liability until they actually harm or overtly endanger others. The only function the war on drugs serves is to support a gigantic illegal drug industry, and keep the dirty money flowing into the coffers of the CIA, crooked cops, and corrupt public officials, and to constantly expand, militarize, and centralize, police powers while contracting personal liberty.

Plus one, and the above is so blatantly obvious it shouldn't even need saying.

Supposedly free people being imprisoned for something they do to their own HEAD. Makes me want to puke.

That said there's some seriously nasty chit out there; that also obvious. Like tequila. whistle

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two