It will be an actual WAR on drugs when we start executing anyone convicted of dealing.

Originally Posted by rattler
Originally Posted by TBaker5390
It could work...but the world doesn't have the stomach for it...

just saying the Chinese do and it hasnt.....

granted that i dont have a problem with pot but i really hate meth, especially when one of the last [bleep] nailed for it here was cooking in a house that butted up to an uncles of mines place here in town.....but in all reality i dont think killing all the [bleep] will stop anything.....if i thought it did i would be all for hanging the cooks, its some nasty chit both to the body and to the environment....

It has been thirty five years since I was in college and exposed to a group beginning to experiment with drugs. But at that time attitudes toward most illegal drugs was pretty casual. Most of the kids figured the chances of getting caught were slim to none and the repercussions not worthy of concern.

If every kid in the school had personal knowledge of a cousin or in law or classmate or uncle who had been hung from a tree in the city park for dealing...........they would sure as heck be a little less casual about taking that first toke, or considering the trade as an occupation with a bright future.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.