Originally Posted by Stan V

Abortion, kids with two mommies and/or daddies, PCing us to death and now some want to finish the country with legalizing drugs.

Right. Do any of you 'free thinkers' promoting legalization have kids?

Let's keep drugs where they belong, in the gutter.

2 daughters.......figured early on education trumped any laws on the books.....ive got no problem with pot and i can promice you my daughter doesnt smoke it cause she gets piss tested randomly as a athlete at the school...she decided on her own sports would be more fun than getting stoned.....

really find it funny how many seem to think drugs are a new problem, and more importantly that alcohol and highly addictive nicotine aint or are some how acceptable just because even though they have a huge drain on our society and health care costs too......got no problem with someone preaching the dangers of drugs and how they should all be abolished so long as they are talking their cigar and beer aswell otherwise your a hell of a hypocrite......

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