Originally Posted by NH K9
I believe it was Einstein who said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

I agree that it's time for something to change. I'll buy into the arguments that people (myself included) are sick of paying for dope heads to be arrested, go through trial, and then jail. Personally, I don't want to pay for the medical services they need either.

If drugs are going to be legalized, so be it. Ambulances and ERs shouldn't be dealing with the ODs if that's the case. Personal responsibility and all that...


honestly i think the best solution is to get rid of the Schedule setup we have, think most of us agree DC Bureaucrats should be deciding what does and does not qualify as medical treatment if im willing to pay for it out of my own pocket and accept the risks....

legalize pot for adult use cause quite frankly the worst that can be said of it is it makes doing nothing interesting.....and tax it and for those that say but ppl will just grow there own.....well no chit and ppl can brew their own beer but the majority are gonna take the easy way out and buy it at a store...my wife couldnt grow a chia pet if her life depended on it and she isnt the only person with a black thumb.....your gonna get alot of taxes...fine the hell out of those that sell to minors like you do wih alcohol...

decriminalize possession of small amounts of the harder chit....if you still want to go after the importers and meth cookers have at it....

with the Schedule rating system gone, docs that want to can prescribe measured medical quality doses to users in a clinical setting, use the pot taxes to fund the the rehab centers or whatever you want to call them.....dont allow junkies to pick it up and leave with it but allow them to take the dose on the property...and have counciling available to those that want to kick it..quite frankly this is the only solution that has allowed any country to make a dent in heroin use and getting ppl clean, any other solution or half arsed plan doing this half way has had pretty poor results.....

Last edited by rattler; 01/28/11.

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