Originally Posted by BCBrian
You are wrong about one thing. It's not the "leftist" countries of the world - that have the "war on drugs".

In case you missed it - that war is happening in a right-wing country. It's that same right-wing country that has more people in prison for drug offences - than all the "leftist" countries of the world combined...

Every time Canada comes close to legalizing marijuana - we get the threat of trade sanctions - from you know who.
The definition of leftism is that philosophy of government which prefers central control, monolithic law, and collective solutions. Those fighting for stricter, centrally determined, drug laws are leftists, not rightists. Rightism is a philosophy of government which prefers local and diverse solutions, preferring privately arranged solutions to publicly arranged ones, but if it must be public, it ought to be local, and diverse from one locality to the next. Rightism opposes central/collective/monolithic solutions handled through government and prefers most things be handled privately and/or locally.

The idea that Stalinism is leftist and Hitlerianism is rightist was a concoction of leftist intellectuals in anticipation of a universal condemnation of leftism that would have otherwise followed WWII. Since the left controlled higher education, they succeeded in obfuscating what had once been a very simple concept to understand. They did it through the fantastical and nonsensical model of the circular left/right political continuum, according to which Hitler's form of a centrally controlled, police state, society was of the right while Stalin's was of the left, a concept that only makes sense (left vs right wing politics, that is) when considered lineally, but which if considered lineally places both Hitler and Stalin on the same side of the scale, i.e., both on the far left. The opposite of a leftist like a Hitler, in other words, would more nearly be someone like a Patrick Henry (a far right winger), not a Joe Stalin who properly belongs at about the same position on the left/right scale as Hitler.