Originally Posted by KevinGibson
Liberals are pretty much against the war on drugs, it�s mostly the conservatives who keep it alive. But on this VERY conservative forum, after 10 pages, I see almost no support for the war on drugs, almost unanimous that it�s either a lost cause, or morally corrupt in concept. So it would appear to me that BOTH sides no longer support the war on drugs. So my question is; why are we still funding this war?

I�ll tell you why. Because the WOD gives billions to law enforcement, and the minute we decide to no longer fight the WOD, over 50% of US law enforcement funding goes right out the window. Pretty much every LE agency in America will have massive layoff�s. That�s massive layoff�s of armed individuals whom are used to being in authority. But by doing so, we clear up a moral wrong (to some) and we SAVE billions and billions of dollars.

So, at what point do we get organized and start telling our lawmakers that we no longer support the WOD, and we won�t support a lawmaker that doesn�t honor our wishes?
It was never about popular demand. Originally, the WOD was justified by the widely propagated notion that black men would get high on pot and chase white women. This was, however, mere propaganda put out by folks who wanted to replace the corruption by which they profited during prohibition, which profit they lost after its repeal.