Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Worrying about what people put in their bodies ain't keeping me up nights.

People who can't moderate their use of hard drugs have a very limited length of time to practice their lifestyle.

Pot smokers are as harmless as people get.

The war on drugs is just another leftist "do gooder" initiative that's intended to create the perfect society.

There ain't gonna be no perfect society that's inhabited by humans,...get used to that reality.

Enacting laws which make the attempt to achieve such an idea just makes enemies of those who are tasked with enforcing those laws.

Government needs to get the hell out of people's personal business.

That's it,..that's all.

You are wrong about one thing. It's not the "leftist" countries of the world - that have the "war on drugs".

In case you missed it - that war is happening in a right-wing country. It's that same right-wing country that has more people in prison for drug offences - than all the "leftist" countries of the world combined...

Every time Canada comes close to legalizing marijuana - we get the threat of trade sanctions - from you know who.


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."