Originally Posted by Buck_
I think level-headed conservatives should speak out on this. The armed stand-off plays well to the most extreme hot-heads, but it doesn't play well with mainstream America. They don't want anarchy. Threatening to kill people when we don't agree with a legal decision is not going to promote support for the 2nd Amendment.

If the feds hadn't descended on him with 200 armed agents, this never would have hit the news cycle.

Due to that ridiculous start, I feel the civilian response was totally appropriate and actually fairly well done. It ended with no women shot in the head by the fed snipers, no compounds were burned down with everybody inside, and no feds were fired at by "psycho" militiamen. Everybody has stood down and it can proceed with calmer heads and almost assuredly quality legal representation. It was a situation which never should have been escalated by the feds, and personally I'd love to see an investigation into this with Congress reviewing emails and communications into and out of BLM in regards to what led to this reaction. Somebody told them to make an example of him, imho.

Maybe next time the local sheriff or state governor will have enough balls to step in and put a halt to something like this before hundreds of armed people are facing off against each other.

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