No he's not. He's been kicking the schit out of your ignorance quite handily. You're just too dogmatic to argue actual established facts or you simply choose to ignore them as you fabricate your own nonsensical slants as to what's factually applicable to this dynamic.

No one is served by being intentionally intellectually dishonest. Make your argument by accepting established fact and then refining the issues and perhaps the solution will become apparent to all.

I told you on day one Bundy needed to lawyer up, shut up and mitigate. As each day goes by and more facts are established, you're beginning to see that wisdom but refuse to acknowledge it because you refuse to admit you didn't understand the facts.

That's on you, not those trying to educate you.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward