Originally Posted by Penobscot_99
Originally Posted by northern_dave
I've watched/listened to him speak.

I don't think I'd buy a horse from the guy.

Best thing he's got going for him is the fact that it's him vs .gov

Federal gov over reaches and destroys everything in it's path, people love to hate them (myself included).

So, it really doesn't matter if the guy is fulla chit. He's an instant hero for defying the government.

And you ain't worth one horse apple from any horse that Cliven Bundy owns.
Thanks for coming out of your liberal closet and exposing yourself. We know how you dumbaxxe libs play your BS game and we ain't falling for it.
Troll away poacher.

Dave a dumbass Liberal huh? So is 5sDad for agreeing with him and so is Rancho because he made a reasonable post.

Put the bottle down.

They happen to be 3 of the finest folks on this forum and Libtards they ain't. They aren't freaked out malcontents either...

Labeling everyone a liberal who disagrees with you regarding Bundy's claims is comical.

That's like me accusing all you revolutionaries of being McVeigh supporters.

Sad thing is, in your case it's probably not for off the mark.