Originally Posted by JohnMoses

Dave a dumbass Liberal huh? So is 5sDad for agreeing with him and so is Rancho because he made a reasonable post.

Put the bottle down.

They happen to be 3 of the finest folks on this forum and Libtards they ain't. They aren't freaked out malcontents either...

Labeling everyone a liberal who disagrees with you regarding Bundy's claims is comical.

That's like me accusing all you revolutionaries of being McVeigh supporters.

Sad thing is, in your case it's probably not for off the mark.

Strong words by your friends on the Bundy/BLM news.
Like they had a dog in the fight, which they don't.
So if they talk, walk and post like dumbaxxe liberals, I'll draw attention to that fact.
You must look like skat for sticking your nose in other peoples business.
I'm sure they can defend their retarded posts all by themselves without your 2�.
So put the bottle of Ex-Lax down and go away.
Or just go away

It was Jerry "Mad Dog" Shriver (SFC E-7)who said:
"No, no, I've got them right where I want them -- surrounded from the inside."
