Only chaining I personally know about was on BLM land by the rancher with some cats. Probably had a permit, it'd be hard to miss by BLM. Maybe the funds were from the returned 50%.

FS used to be an agency that produced a profit through logging and grazing. Once we lost logging and grazing has been diminished, the forests 20 years later are burning up in 500,000 acre clumps every few years and many of the water sources that held wildlife to the land are abandoned with the wildlife gone. Taxpayers now fund the bloated agency with use fees for preexisting faculties on the rise.

BLM is moving ranchers out either completely or by reducing numbers to unprofitable. It doesn't have to produce it's budget anymore, it just goes to the taxpayer.

Once the rancher is moved off, any maintenance will be on the taxpayer, as no/few fees will be collected... basically there will be no maintenance and the ground will go feral, the wildlife will suffer and roads will be closed.

An environmentalists dream.

