So if I'm in my house and the State Trooper has a search warrant and both my wife and I say "we have guns and will do anything it takes to stop you from coming through that door" anyone but a fool knows that's a deadly threat.

rockinbbar, I've spent a lot of time in Nevada. I worked on the family farm for 25 years give or take. My last dealings with the Feds I filed a formal complaint for the profound arrogance showed by U.S. Customs. I don't blindly take sides based on preconceived notions of if the government is good or bad. Some times it is good, sometime it is bad. Just like the public.

Even without any of that perspective I have the sense to know that an armed resistance to a Court Order isn't going to stand just because some hotheads decide they can defy the law.

I can't think of a single person that's called me liar face to face since adulthood. It's easy on the internet, isn't it?

Alone in the Fortress of the Bears
70 Days Surviving Wilderness Alaska:
Foraging, Fishing, Hunting