LMAO @ recent - may have been the 80's or even 90's but those days seem like ancient history to me.

Might have been a predator story generally, but I was on a lion reading kick at the time and took it as that.

For what it's worth - Ohio is drawing its share of predators. Deer season opened early for me as a farmer pal was issued 20 permits good till November to get rid of some of the population. I'll be going commando early tomorrow AM at O' Dark thirty with 12 ga and 000 and slugs. Any gun is ok - I may get to try out most of them on live game.

I've seen more coyotes dead on the road this year than any in the past. An entire pack seemed to have gotten clobbered by a semi on one highway. I've heard packs in my suburban, wooded, ravine lot and really wanted to arrow a fine 8 pointer bedded in my back yard... when asked, local authorities frowned on that even though I had my tags. Go figure,,, LOL

Bobcats, black bears, and some form of lion have been said to have been spottted or killed here lately. In southern Ohio there is definitely habitat for them.

Anyway, it was a neat article.