Originally Posted by Llama_Bob
If you can demonstrate 100% first round vitals hits at that range, in unknown wind field conditions, on a target that moves at animal speeds whenever it feels like, then go for it.

If not, just admit you're OK with gut shooting animals from time to time and move on.

bob, since you're one of those rare individuals who've never missed a shot I'll go in a different direction. There are a couple of flaws in your logic here, one already pointed out by Jordan. And that is, there are plenty of times when animals aren't moving and 0.6-0.7 tof is not an issue. Or to put it another way if it's an issue at 600 it'll be an issue at 150 and all it takes is experience to recognize the situation and hold off at either distance.

Second, you directed your "conditions" to me but your statement was absolute. Right now I propbably wouldn't take a 600 yard shot on a big game animal because I haven't been shooting enough lately. But I'm not arrogant or vain enough to think there's no one else out there who could make that shot with confidence. I've shot with a few of 'em.

You should probably get out and shoot with some good long-range shooters before you conclude that there's no one out there who could make a 600 yard shot.

A wise man is frequently humbled.