Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by JackRyan
Were those rocks already dead when you started shooting at them and were the the first three shots of the day? At sun rise?

Yessir, they det, been det since the great volcanic explosions that formed that mountain put em there, those were the only shots I fired yesterday, spent the day in town around idiots and needed a little release, stopped by the shop on the way into the house and hauled in a quart of homemade muscadine wine.

G5...I’m sure I would recognize you immediately in a crowd of city dwellers. You’d be the guy mirroring my expression of “WTF” and “Dismay” on your face as you try to navigate through these idiots. And, a slight print of a firearm on your hip that only those who’ve carried forever would notice...

I’m finally back to my Redneck home...What a relief. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”