Question to the posters who feel taking a shot at a distance you have determined is unethical...

Is your opinion based on what you’ve seen on tv? Read in a magazine/on-line? Maybe you witnessed this in person as a spotter, or were you the actual shooter with an unfortunate outcome trying to harvest an animal at a distance beyond your abilities?

Whatever the answer to the above. You likely arrived at this bias from determining your own limitations under hunting conditions after a failure, now making them everyone’s limitations.

Objectively, these are your limits-Your realities, not mine, or others...When you try masking your failure, hiding your truth behind animal movement, then equating it to automatic wounding for everyone...

This proves your lack of experience on a range shooting distances that caused a wounded animal for you. I’m assuming a lot here about you...As you are assuming a lot about others. Fair to say we are both wrong in our assumptions. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”