Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter

L&C supposedly ate a lot of Beaver Tail...I’m sure Lewis or Clark was a direct ancestor of mine. 😬😎

Beaver, I mean the furry kind, er, ah, the four legged kind, er, the rodent is very difficult to eat. It tastes just like its food source....willow bark. Have you ever chewed on a green willow twig. It might well be good fot toothache but it tastes like crap.

Never tasted the tail, but have seen the grease cooking out of a couple dead ones in the hot August sun. And I have skinned a couple. The tail is mostly fat.

IdahoS, I mistakenly went straight to the thought of Lewis or Clark in a tepee with Sacajawea munching on her tail.

I’ve never eaten beaver tail-the 4 pawed kind, that is...But, if I was hungry and starving, I would eat anything and everything on a beaver. I’d even eat a dog. Probably not my dog, but someone else’s I would enjoy.

Thanks for the clarification on which beaver you meant. I will try and mature mentally in the future. 😬😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”