Originally Posted by jaguartx

Its strange that the mountain men also were fond of buffler hump and tongue.

Anyone here try that?

I have a couple friends who raise bison for market.

They are closely related enough that they will cross breed with beef cows, and they have the same diet. Pasture grass and alfalfa hay, in captivity. It would make sense that bison tongue would eat just like cow tongue. Of which I have eaten quite a bit.

Local Mexican Food places sell a bunch of Tacos la Lengua, which is tongue. They go for about 50 cents each above the cost of shredded beef, pork, or chicken.

I can eat tongue, but it is nothing special. A good tenderloin, or T-bone is 100 times better.

Back when I was in grammar school, and our libraries were filled with non-PC literature, I read a lot of books (often two a day) about frontier life, nineteenth century cowboys, Indian fighters, and buffalo hunters. Many of those books made reference to hunters killing bison for the $1.00 per tongue bounty offered by US Army.

Whether such a bounty was actually ever offered I do not know. But it sure would have gone a long way toward eliminating bison from the plains in an effort to starve out the tribes of that area.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.