Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Beef tongue is okay.

More than OK with me. Matter of fact, when entering a "new to me" taco shop or Mexican restaurant it's the first thing I look for on their menu, and if not on the menu I'll ask the waiter/waitress if they have some in back for the non-gringos. If it's on the menu, it's usually a decent sign they serve real Mexican food as opposed to gringo-ized Mexican food.

Not sure, as anyone tried elk tongue? Seems like they would be big enough to fry some up for breakfast at least.


First, welcome back. I had a couple of threads going while you were away asking for your GPS coordinates or proof of life. Nobody gave 2 schits where you were....Laffin. Kidding of course.

Someone must have known you were getting that reassignment surgery, I mean knee surgery...I digress.

Elk tongue....Never had it. Cow tongue same. Wouldn’t eat it. Dad, grandparents all loved it. Boiled, split the top and thinly sliced it for sandwich meat.

Can’t remember what they said it tasted like...I imagine tongue!

Geno, what does it taste like to you.

Seriously though....Glad you’re back.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”