Originally Posted by Fireball2
Beaver I was just talking to a friend that hunted the Northside unit over east for elk with a large party. He said there were no elk in the unit, period. The entire party left four days before season end. He found 8 elk bone piles. I've been hunting my whole life and I would say I average a deer or elk bone pile one a year. One in their party saw a wolf.

I think this will be increasingly common in Oregon. Why we put up with this incompetent (at best) or under-handedly deceptive (most likely) wildlife management agency in Oregon is a mystery.

This I have also heard from personal friends who’ve pulled tags several times over the years in these units. They have all said the game animals are gone by comparison to years past...This is part of the reason I’m asking for information. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”