Ok, let’s look at why our forefathers found it necessary to annihilate the wolves? Without bleeding into bison killing for army consumption and profiteering off the skins as a way to sidetrack this conversation. Or, wholisticly discussing market hunting that hurt game animals of fur and feather before hunting seasons and regulations were put in place.

What were the wolves doing that caused them to become public enemy #1...Dare say the same thing they’re doing currently?

Personally, I’m a believer that man screws shît up consistently with both good intentions and with deceptive means designed to appease people and organizations where money is contributed.

I worked with the “Free Willy foundation” on a cabling infrastructure construction project...I happened to meet a couple of the fishes biologists who worked the tank with Willy...They both said this fish is dead once it would be released because the “Non-Profit” organizers were raking in millions in donations, paying out huge salaries to the top runners of the Free Willy organization and there was no way the fish could not be released.

Both biologist said the campaign should have been Save Willy and keep him in captivity...The fish was found dead shortly after being released...Hey, but some made a lot of money collecting donations. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”