Originally Posted by ol_mike
I wouldn't be at all surprised if wolves have already reached the washing/oregon 'wetside' a lot of cover to sneak around in there . They're confirmed in Northern California - so why wouldn't they be ?

2 years ago while deer hunting on the Oregon Coast I spotted what I initially thought was a large coyote at 200 or so yards. I got my glass on it, and aside from a heavy, thick coat, which isn’t uncommon for our coyotes to be sporting in late October, I could tell this animal looked different than any coyote I have seen across multiple states I’ve hunted them.

This animal was tall from the ground to its shoulders, I guess based on the small Christmas Tree in the background to be something in the neighborhood of 2.5-3’ft tall...It’s snout was broader and blocked, not long and sharp, and ears were short compared to any coyote I’ve seen or shot.

I actually thought I was looking at someone’s pet husky dog. Coloration was a mixed coat of light brown with grayish white. I watched it as it stood looking at something for a couple minutes before it disappeared into cover.

If it was a coyote, it was the biggest, strangest looking dog I’ve ever seen...😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”