Jim, as an old dirt biker, 30 years ago, I think you are looking for a Honda XR 200R. But to get one you will have to hit the used market. Check ATV trader.

In the current new market, the closest I see is the Honda CRF250F at $5500. Fuel injection, I would have loved back in the day. Electric start, I would have hated back in my riding days. I tossed the battery, first thing on my XL 350. But today, I would probably appreciate the electric start. I always liked the low end power and torque of the 350 cc bikes. They pulled like a tractor from 800 RPM and did not care if you kept them in the "power band". But the new bikes with computer controls and fuel injection are a whole different animal. You are going to have to ride a couple and see what you like.

Fat tire bikes are kind of a specialty item. They have been around since the early 80s. They are primarily useful for slow and technical terrain.

Are you looking for lights and turn signals? That will make a big difference in your selection. The Idaho restricted use license plate will allow you to legally ride on any BLM or USFS road in Idaho which is open to travel. It also allows travel on city streets, county roads, and state hiways within a short distance of a city limits.

For instance you could legally ride your bike from Emmett out to Little Gem Cycle Park via Hiway 21. But you could not ride it on over to Boise. You could ride to New Plymouth by staying on the county roads.

But do not try any of this in Oregon. I have several friends at work who have been ticketed for riding their ATVs around Unity, or on the gravel road on the west side of Brownlee Reservoir.

My buddy who trades bikes, ATVs, and jetskis occasionally really likes to deal with Carl's Cycle Sales. They handle all the major brands. He will drive right past Canyon Honda to get to Carl's.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.