Originally Posted by RDW
I have a shot at a 2011 KLR650 that a good friend crashed for not much money, I am thinking less than 1,200.

To be original it needs a front fairing, side fairings, one crash bar, headlight, cluster, turn signals and a carb rebuild.

I was thinking it may be a decent and cheap ride with just a headlight and turn signals and use it for commuting and keep some mileage off my Ninja 1000.

I have no experience with dual sports, only moto-x bikes from 50 years ago.

What do ya'll think?

They are the AK-47 of motorcycles. The plastics will cost more than it's worth. I ought an '08 with the 685 kit already installed for $2,400 with good side and tank bags.
Stay away from the '08 and early '09 unless you're a sharp mechanic. The early Gen II bikes had wiring and piston issues.
I put around 8,000 miles on mine in 3 weeks when I went to Tuktoyaktuk.
Great bikes for long legs but price plastic before considering the purchase.

Do not feed the bear!

White Bear sometimes treads on thin ice...