I'm thinking about picking up a compact 9mm and carrying it in a pocket holster when my license goes through. Good or bad idea?

In as much as the first rule in the lawful defensive use of firearms is to "have a gun", pocket carry can make a lot of sense, its what I do.

In 9mm autos the Sig P365 appears to be the latest and greatest and is well spoken of here.

OTOH the compact nines weigh cabout 25-30oz loaded, which IME is definitely hefty in a pocket, weighing down your pants.

I prefer a .38 "Airweight" j-frame revolver which runs about 17-18oz loaded, a downside being only five rounds vs. 10 in the Sig.

Whatever you choose, an inside-the-pocket holster makes a lot of sense, a good one will keep the gun from moving around inside the pocket so it will be in the same place it always is if you need it in a hurry.

Also, a good pocket holster that covers the trigger is essential, I used to know a guy who carried a compact Glock loose in his pocket, along with whatever else he might happen to put in there. Something loose in a pocket could easily press against that Glock "trigger safety" and it only takes like 5.5lbs of pressure and a quarter inch of movement to set it off eek


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744