Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
A golf or polo shirt, untucked, is all you need. I can conceal a full sized 1911 that way, and a compact gun like a Glock 26 or Glock 43 virtually disappears under such an arrangement. I carry IWB at the 4:00 position.

That said, you should avoid pocket carry. Most of the time when you need your handgun, you need it quite quickly, and you have to be able to go from a relaxed posture to having your hand properly positioned on the grip of the gun pretty near instantly. That's just not possible with pants pocket carry.

Sure, it's a lot better than nothing, but belt carry is a lot better than pocket carry. A lot better.
I have to agree.. There are some really, really good belt holsters that can do a great job of concealment - even a few that closely resemble a cell-phone case..

A micro-9 can be a decent choice and is easily concealed...the only drawbacks can be harder to grip with large hands and a bit lacking in capacity...

But glad to see you're thinking it might be a good idea to get one and carry it - seeing how today's society is melting like milk chocolate on a July sidewalk in Phoenix.. smile

Ex- USN (SS) '66-'69