Pocket carry is perfectly legit, as long as you understand the limitations. Mainly, it is slower to deploy and you are not likely to be able to deploy when seated. Do buy a quality pocket holster, not a nylon or fabric POS. I have nice horsehide pocket holsters for my J-frame & AMT DAOBU.45ACP.

IWB (appendix, behind hip, otherwise) under a cover garment is much faster to deploy. And you can tote a much larger and easier to shoot gun. Comfort level is similar, but different. Pocket carry can be poke-y at times, as can IWB. But a quality IWB holster & belt system is more comfy than pocket carry, IMO. Best IWB bet for comfort with a service sized pistol is the Milt SParks VM@ or one of its many clones. And all you really need for a cover garment is an untucked polo, button-down, or a heavy T.

IWB does require at least a wife beater undershirt.

OWB is the king for comfort & access. I have OWB holsters for my pocket pistols. Carry like they are not there, carry garment can be minimalist and you can get by without an undershirt for some carry combos.

Not a fan of trick holsters. Fanny pack, cell phone case, thunderwear, pagerpal, etc.


“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
----Fred Rogers