Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
A golf or polo shirt, untucked, is all you need. I can conceal a full sized 1911 that way, and a compact gun like a Glock 26 or Glock 43 virtually disappears under such an arrangement. I carry IWB at the 4:00 position.

That said, you should avoid pocket carry. Most of the time when you need your handgun, you need it quite quickly, and you have to be able to go from a relaxed posture to having your hand properly positioned on the grip of the gun pretty near instantly. That's just not possible with pants pocket carry.

Sure, it's a lot better than nothing, but belt carry is a lot better than pocket carry. A lot better.

This is my method. I have a large drawer full of holsters, most were mistakes from long ago. Bought a Crossbreed super tuck last winter as another test and like the design but never "tuck". I like bigger pistols and this design is working right now. I'm getting another for backup. Holsters are wear items if you really use them. If you find something that works good go on and order another.

Everyone is different, and work sometimes dictates what can and can not be carried. My wife says I use holsters like women do shoes. The biggest issue for me now is training and practice with the different guns and carry options. For me the waistband, in or out, is the most practical method to carry a larger pistol and by far the easiest/quickest to get into action.

I'll admit to carrying a pocket rocket once in a while when there is no other option. I carry too much other stuff in my front pockets so a wallet type or one of the leather hook types goes in the back pocket.

Train with whatever you decide to get even it its only dry fire in the house.

Last edited by blindshooter; 06/23/20.