Originally Posted by MtnBoomer
Yep, 9mm ammo is cheap and plentiful! LOL

Found this thread today actually getting close to going 380 again. But, was convinced otherwise. Thanks.

I bought another inexpensive Ruger today, not a battle gun, Ec9s. It is not that much smaller on paper than my SR22 and SR9c but thinner and more rounded. Still can't imagine anywhere I can carry, wearing t-shirt and shorts, other than a damned purse. Cargo short's pocket is about it, and it fits better.

Boomer, you’d be fine if you’d stop entering wet t-shirt contest. 😂

XL tee is your huckleberry, in your favorite color, pard. 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”