Originally Posted by TheKid
Not really sure I would want to go hunt where there’s 3 shots a minute flying for 4 hours on opening day. Does everything within a 2 mile radius have dozens of bullet holes in it?

I brought a guy to camp once. He stayed drunk the entire trip and made an ass of himself regularly. I haven’t invited anyone since.

Actually, no. Even though there are that many shots flying, it all stays well contained. That's not 3 shots per minute. It's 3 shot-strings per minute. I count multiple shots from one source as one shot string. I've seen a WWII vet crawl up in a ball over this kind of incoming. There are a lot more singles now than 20 years ago. The old timers would empty their 30-30's and reload and blast away again until something dropped. Now that sons and grandsons are using more aught-sixes and such that's become a bit of a history. I resided a 100-yr old farmhouse after we moved in and there were no signs. I did have a close shave with a round whizzing past the first year as I was passing between the house and the sheds, but I think that was a disgruntled neighbor tell me what he thought me posting my property. However, this is life in Zone 1 of Kentucky. It's the Big Show.

This fellow is well known to my sons, but unknown to my oldest guest. SuperCore is a retired professor, and I'm sure he's going to underwrite the choice. He was my boss at one time. We've known each other for over 30 years. We're both mentoring types. The whole point here is to bring NewGuy in and show him the ropes.

I love this from The Big Kahuna:

“- Bob Walker: Throw me in the water and see if I can swim?
- Larry Mann: I think you're missing the point here Bob, we're about to throw you off a cliff and see if you can fly.”

Too many rules? No. We have a fairly do-what-ye-may kind of rule book. Nobody goes out drunk. Most guys take a buck before going for a doe, but that's due to the dynamics of the season. Points? Inside spreads? I'd rather pull my own head off. My one rule is that the dinky-doo spikes get mounted in the dining room with a trophy shot. I've got a couple up there myself. The other is Rule 1: Obey all rules. We obey all KY hunting rules, because we're non-residents, and I'm a semi-retired semi-public semi-pro. If a CO wanted to gig someone at our camp, we might be open to Lacey Act violations. We stay spotless.

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