Originally Posted by slumlord
Originally Posted by tzone
I find it a bit strange you won’t have him there on opening weekend. He’s either part of the crew or not.

It’s kinda like telling the kids they can come sit at the table for dinner after you’ve eaten the best pieces of steak before they’re allowed to eat.

The new guy has to wait until anything decent are all shot off the bait piles.


Bait piles are just not worth it where we are. I had a neighbor that used to spend $800 a year on a massive one. He would have been the first to admit that mostly what he was doing was feeding my deer. They came off my property in droves at night, fed on his corn and then went back over the line to bed at my place. It's very expensive to maintain, and it really doesn't pay off in the long run. The big problem is acorns. You just can't complete with the wild mast at this time of year. Deer will pass up everything if they can get their fill of white oak acorns and we have an abundance of old white oaks growing down an abandoned road on the center of the property.

As far as tipping the scales in our favor, the most we've done is torn up a couple of pastures and planted clover at times. I think the last one was about 10 years ago. Honestly, it just isn't needed in our part of the world. I've got deer coming up and sticking their heads in the bedroom window when I'm taking a nap.

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