OK. I'm back.

So how does this influence our hunting?

1) We tend to hunt the center of the property, especially during The Opener. I have probably the most exposed stand of any; it's 80 yards from the line. However, my back is to a large oak and you would need to be on our side of the line to get a clear shot. It's also in a place that the neighbors seldom go. In 18 seasons, I have yet to see another man's orange from my vantage.
2) There are places on the property where we just don't go. I was tracking a deer back in 2004 and managed to get behind a neighbor's backstop without knowing. They started a shooting contest, and I had a few close misses before hightailing it out. When I mentioned it to the owner, his response was, "Don't worry. If we was aiming for you, we'd have hit you."
3) Orange is our color. We can see other hunters at 1000 yards if they're wearing orange. If we're away from the front porch, we are in orange.
4) We have little contact with the other camps. When the bar over on the next ridge was still in business we used to go over frequently and have dinner and visit. Nowadays, I hardly know who is out there.
5) Until very recently, we had to worry about the processors filling up. If we had a deer down on the Opener we needed to get it out to the processor as quickly as possible. In the evening, we still have to be quick about it. The nearest processor is 30 minutes away. If we tarry, they'll be closed by the time we get there.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer