As one of the “founders” of our elk camp, I’ve seen things change over the past 16 years. I know that is not a long time compared to some of you, but it is what it is. There’s only two of the originals left and I’m not keen on some of the new hunters that have joined the past couple of years. I’m nearly 71 and the other old timer is 64. The nearest other regular is 58. The average number of years the other 7 have hunted with us is about 4. I’m tired of dealing with who’s going or not going every year and all the drama and bullsheit. I may depart the pattern and hunt with my landowner buddy or with my hunting neighbor near home. They can keep the group alive if they really want to. I think I’m out for now. Happy Trails

Life Member NRA, RMEF, American Legion, MAGA. Not necessarily in that order.