Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by achadwick
Surprised this post did not get more responses.

The gist of the paper is that screwing everything in sight is not the path to a fulfilled life, but marriage and children are. It's how we are built.

It's an idiotic viewpoint that doesn't mention or recognize what the real problem is.

Here's the guy that wrote it:

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]


Judge a book by it's cover much? Reminds me of some guys here on the fire that dismiss anything someone says if they haven't killed X number of elk or Y number of deer, etc. Bet if we all posted pics of ourselves, a lot of us would lose credibility, LOL.

Please enlighten us as to the real problem. I hope that your take is that it is our estrangement from Christianity. When people see themselves as just another animal, well, animal behavior is what results. What do animals do? They screw everything in sight and leave mama to raise the young; rinse and repeat. Doesn't work so well with humans. Marriage and children is the path God set forth for us from the very beginning. It can be argued that most of society's ills are the result of unmarried people not keeping their clothes on, and subsequent proliferation of fatherless kids, in addition to the spiritual emptiness that the author describes.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.